Sunday, September 6, 2009

Keep Rabbits as Pets and Take Care of Them


It’s nearing Easter and I figured, why not write about cute and cuddly rabbits for a change. These meek little critters are great pets. With an average lifespan of around 12 years, they can sure keep you company for a long time.


Unlike what you see in Bugs Bunny cartoons, you need not dig a hole in the ground. You can actually keep them either indoors or outdoors. If you plan to place them outside, just be sure to provide shelter that can protect them from weather, direct sunlight and winds.

It’s best to line the flooring with straw (wood shavings like cedar can cause them health problems). If you happen to live near the woods, better make sure that their enclosure’s well protected from other wild animals. You don’t want them to be wolf food.


Rabbits are quite sensitive to food. And don’t think that all they eat are carrots all day. Like us, they need a balanced diet too. They do chew on straw and hay but they also need some more nutrition apart from fiber. Pet stores usually have pellets and rabbit food mixes that are basically mixes of dried veggies and cereals. Though fresh carrots and lettuce once in a while. They do need lots of water too. Be sure to use a feeding bottle.

Petting and Handling

Rabbits can be lifted up from the loose skin they have on their back. To carry it around, it’s best to support is lower body with your forearm and hold it near your chest. You hand should be supporting its upper body. If you’re a regular Elmyra Duff, don’t you even dare own a pet.

Rabbits could use some activity too. Let them out of their enclosure once in a while so they can hop and play. Lack of activity may cause them to have weakened muscles and be overweight.

Grooming and Cleaning

Rabbits are neat animals. But they can sure benefit from grooming. Grooming mittens can be bought from your pet stores. Just stroke the pet’s fur towards its natural direction. Make sure you groom every area, even the underside. Their nails can also use some trimming once in a while. And be sure to keep their ears and teeth clean.

Like cats, rabbits can be taught to use litterboxes. Better start when they’re still small.

Clean their enclosure everyday if possible. Change the straw bedding and make sure you get out all the droppings.

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